Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Encouragement to 'Pollute' the air of the NHS

I cant believe that it has been decided that there is to be a total ban on smoking in public places! I had a reasonable day yesterday doing alot of smoking and chatting to ex colleagues (who also smoke). To be honest I was procrastinating when I should have been facing up to my war against the hospital, this only lasted until 4pm when I received some paperwork I had been waiting for and it wasn't worth the wait, by this point I am on my second packet of cigarettes and very wound up (nothing new there)! Then I hear about the smoking ban and I felt my blood pressure rising some more so I went and walked around the hospital smoking one cigarette after another I even sat at the front entrance to the hospital for abit and received several disapproving looks which just made me more determined. I nearly went and sat in the smoking room, by then its early evening and the 'powers that be' would be long gone, but after assessing the luck I had had already yesterday I had to decide against it. If I was still allowed in there I would have liked to wedge the door open and puff away!
I am going to continue to smoke around the hospital-what can they do to me, they've already sacked me and eviction is on the cards-bring it on!
I think we should be making a stand against the bastards who need to learn to live in the real world!
Im going for some more nicotine now and I know I wont be the only one!


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